Several women representing Vital Voices attended the 2011 Kahlil Gibran Spirit of Humanity Awards at the Arab American Institute on Wednesday, May 4. Our president and CEO Alyse Nelson accepted an Award for Institutional Excellence for Vital Voices’ work in the Middle East and North Africa, and our MENA team was on hand to celebrate at the reception and dinner at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Arab American Institute Foundation President Dr. James J. Zogby, Theresa Loar, Vital Voices Board member Samia Farouki, President and CEO Alyse Nelson.
We are also pleased to announce the Middle Eastern and North African Women’s Leadership Fund – a pledge to double our efforts by training, mentoring and resourcing thousands of women throughout this region over the next five years. Check out our promise here, and make your contribution to support these women; as Alyse said, this could be “the most effective means [by which] we all, both men and women, can realize lasting peace, prosperity and progress.”
Arab American Institute Foundation President Dr. James J. Zogby.
Check out more of the pictures from this fantastic event, and watch Alyse’s acceptance speech and her introduction from Vital Voices board member Samia Farouki below.