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A future that is better for us all requires EVERYONE to do their part. That starts with getting everyone to do their part to achieve equality – and to put their equality allyship in action every day, everywhere with everyone.

Vital Voices surveyed our Global Leadership Network of 47,000 women across 192 countries and territories to learn about their experience with men’s allyship and set priorities for allyship action. From these lessons learned, we built the Allyship In Action campaign and the Commitment to Action, a global call-to-action for everyone to join the fight for equality.

And we want YOU to join us. Sign the Commitment to Action and be a equality ally every single day, and amplify the #AllyshipInAction campaign online. 

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I believe unequivocally in equality and equity. I recognize that equality is not for women and girls alone to work towards, because an equitable society benefits us all.  

I pledge to push for equality, equity and change in every sphere of existence, clearing the path for those who identify as women, who are colleagues, supervisors, students, leaders, community members, elected officials, friends and family.

I commit to listening to and believing women and girls, and amplifying their voices at every level of society – including women who are systemically marginalized and excluded from power structures. I recognize that women from marginalized communities experience additional barriers and commit to ensuring my allyship includes achieving equality and equity for women who face additional discrimination.

I reject all forms of extreme violence against women & girls. I will question harmful practices and stereotypes and I will support women’s efforts for accountability and justice. I will lend my voice to end extreme forms of violence against women & girls, including supporting survivors’ right to achieve justice and offer solidarity in their communities, organizations and homes. 

I agree to give up my own power to make room for all women. In spaces of influence, I will acknowledge and elevate women’s contributions, ensure that women are promoted to decision-making positions and advocate for equitable leadership and policies that advance equality and equity.

I understand that equality starts at home, which means equal household responsibilities and equitable decision-making.

I understand and uphold the idea that equality means that women have agency over their health and well-being. 

I recognize that practicing allyship will come in big ways and in small. I commit to acknowledging when I have not practiced allyship and holding myself and those around me accountable, to do all in our power to share the burden of progress. I commit to be emblematic of allyship and dedicate efforts to uplift, amplify and elevate people to create a safe, supportive, equal and equitable world. 

How To Get Involved: