Martine Rothblatt
Chairman & CEO of United Therapeutics
Board of Directors

Martine Rothblatt is the Chairperson & CEO of United Therapeutics Corporation (UT). She started UT to save her youngest child’s life from a rare illness after having previously created SiriusXM satellite radio and other satellite communications systems. She is also responsible for several innovations in aviation and architecture, including holding the Guinness Record for longest flight in an electric helicopter and creating the world’s largest zero carbon footprint building. Her company is now saving hundreds of lives a year with medicines for pulmonary hypertension and neuroblastoma, and by manufacturing transplantable lungs out of rejected donor lungs. UT is also in pre-clinical development of manufactured kidneys, hearts and 3D printed autologous lungs to be delivered via autonomously flown electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) systems.
Dr. Rothblatt earned her Ph.D. in Medical Ethics from the Royal London College of Medicine and Dentistry after earning JD and MBA degrees from UCLA, which also recently awarded her the UCLA Medal, its highest honor. She is an inventor on several patents and the author of several books, the most recent of which pertain to artificial cognition and cyber-consciousness