Advocating for 50% women’s resource allocation from Uganda’s Ministry of Agriculture
This week, Vital Voices will facilitate a week of tailored advocacy and communications trainings for the Uganda Women Entrepreneur Association Limited (UWEAL) staff, including Board members, delegates and other stakeholders. Through its partnership with Vital Voices’ Supporting Public Advocacy for Regional Competitiveness Program (SPARC), UWEAL is campaigning to have 50 percent of Uganda’s Ministry of Agriculture program – The Agriculture Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) resources to be allocated to qualified women farmers.
UWEAL’s mission is to empower Ugandan women to create wealth through capacity building, networking and advocacy. The organization has been working over the past 20 years to achieve this mission by continuing to provide targeted services to its members and re-evaluating its goals and objectives to meet the changing needs of women in Uganda.
Dialogue with key stakeholders
To support UWEAL’s advocacy campaign, Vital Voices will engage the organization in reviewing and fine-tuning its strategic plan, facilitate training in development of a communications strategy, and also provide creative, high-impact training in interview preparation and presentation delivery.
A highlight of Vital Voices’ trip to Kampala is the Agriculture Dialogue and Awareness Raising Workshop. This event will be attended by select Ministries, the Bank of Uganda, CSOs and development partners. It will allow UWEAL members to inform key decision makers about its SPARC campaign, why they should care and what practical steps they can take to achieve the campaign’s goals. A range of local and regional media will cover the event.
Follow @celenagreen, @klepillez and @julie_muriuki next week for updates on their trip to Kampala, Uganda as they work with UWEAL to support their SPARC campaign.
SPARC is Supporting Public Advocacy and Regional Competitiveness – a Vital Voices program to increase women’s economic engagement in the labor force and entrepreneurship, creating a more enabling environment for women’s economic engagement and poverty alleviation throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
Read SPARC Uganda’s second post.
Read about SPARC Nigeria.
Photo at top: SPARC delegation from Uganda at a regional meeting in Nigeria. (Image: Micky Wiswedel)