Haijuan Yu
2018 Mentee
Finance Business Partner, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Haijuan Yu has 21 years of experience in accounting, finance and administration in both the private and public sectors. She is currently a Finance Business Partner of IFRC HQs. Her current work responsibilities include managing funds, budget, financial, and contractual matters for global health programs and global road safety projects within the organization. Prior to joining HQs, Yu acted as Senior Finance and Administration Manager of the IFRC East Asia Region. Yu holds an Msc in Accounting and Finance from the University of Manchester and is a qualified Chartered Certified Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor.
Haijuan Yu was selected as a Fortune- U.S. Department of State Mentee in 2013 and participated in the International Alumnae Component in 2018.