ChĢ¬res Militantes et Amies
Chers Militants et Amis,
Le Cameroon People’s Party (CPP) a l’honneur de vous informer que vendredi 02 septembre 2011, le CPP a dĢ©posĢ© le dossier de dĢ©claration de candidature de Edith Kahbang Walla ĢŹ l’Ģ©lection prĢ©sidentielle du 9 octobre 2011 ĢŹ la Direction GĢ©nĢ©rale d’ELECAM avec copie ĢŹ la Cour SuprĢ»me du Cameroun agissant en tant que Conseil Constitutionnel.
Nous remercions tous ceux et celles qui nous ont permis de franchir ce cap important.
Nous entamons la derniĢ¬re ligne droite pour apporter le changement ĢŹ la tĢ»te de l’Etat camerounais afin de bĢ¢tir åĒ Le Cameroun Leader åČ. Nous avons besoin de concentrer toutes nos Ģ©nergies et ressources pour rĢ©ussir ce challenge.
Il est l’heure! Contactez-nous au (237) 79 77 55 47 / / pour participer ĢŹ la dĢ©termination d’un nouvel avenir pour le Cameroun. The Time Is Now!
Dear Party Militants and Friends,
The Cameroon People’s Party has the honor to inform you that, Friday, September 2nd 2011, the CPP has deposited its declaration of the candidacy of Edith Kahbang Walla to the presidential election of October 9, 2011 at the headquarters of ELECAM with a copy to the Supreme Court of Cameroon acting as the Constitutional Council.
We thank all those who have enabled us to make this very important step.
We have begun the final stretch in the battle to bring about change at the head of our nation in order to build a “Cameroon that is Leading the Way”. We all need to concentrate our energies and resources to succeed in this challenge.
The Time Is Now! Contact us at (237) 79 77 55 47 / / to join us in determining a new future for Cameroon. Il est l’heure!