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Aya Chebbi

Global Leadership Awards , 2024

aya chebbi 2024 global leadership awards honoree

Focus Areas

Governance & Policy Reform
Youth & Girls Empowerment

Aya Chebbi is a Pan-African feminist who is committed to  the liberation of African women and girls. She rose to prominence as a leading voice for democracy during the Tunisian Revolution of 2010-2011.  

Chebbi served as the first-ever African Union Special Envoy on Youth and the youngest diplomat at the Chairperson’s Cabinet (2018-2021), impacting over one million young people during her tenure. In this role, Chebbi pioneered the concept of intergenerational co-leadership to empower young people in politics. She met with more than 30 heads of state and governments and over 190 global leaders to advocate for the youth agenda in Africa, which resulted in policy changes and an increase in youth appointments. 

Chebbi is currently the Founder and President of the Nala Feminist Collective (Nalafem), Africa’s largest multigenerational platform of women politicians and activists committed toward  transformative feminist leadership.