Srishti Parihar
2022 Fellow
Director of Share A Book India Association

Srishti is an engineer, educator, explorer, and poet. Her journey as a social entrepreneur began in late 2016 from a small room in Kota, Rajasthan, when her childhood friend recounted her recent visit to a low-income private school. She told Shrishti that the children studying there had no access to a library or facilities to read books for leisure. This bit of information made her feel uneasy and, at the same time, birthed in her a desire to change the situation.
Share A Book India started as a campaign to make sure that reading books in school for pleasure is not considered a luxury, but a necessity. Her organization has grown with a simple motto in mind to enable each child to read, imagine, and grow to her fullest potential.
Since day one, her work at SABIA reflects a vision to help India become a country of imaginative thinkers, questioners, and innovators. She firmly believes that there can be no substitute for reading when it comes to expanding a child’s imagination and continues to raise awareness about the gaps in our education system.