Shereen Al-Khatib
2018 Fellow
Founder & CEO Brainy Nation

Shereen is the Founder and CEO of Brainy Nation, the first center in Jordan to specialize in making kids and adults of all ages measurably smarter through research-based programs that train the brain. Licensed by BrainRx, Brainy Nation has a 9.3 satisfaction rate and their students gain on average 3 years in IQ after completing their training program. Brainy Nation trains and strengthens cognitive skills with scientifically based and clinically proven one-on-one personalized training for students, adults and seniors. The company has a core team of 4 women and 14 part-time trainers (60% of whom are women) that serve 120 students annually, partnering with schools and parents for improved learning outcomes. They work on the cognitive skills required for learning and life in general and offer cognitive assessment, cognitive training and academic gap assessments for Math and English. Based on the academic gap assessment results, a specific training program is developed that addresses the client’s individual needs. Brainy Nation programs uses fun, (but intense!) mental exercises that work on the way the brain thinks, learns, reads, and remembers. Their training approach offers brain-training in a face-to-face coaching relationship that allows kids and adults of all ages to perform higher. For only one hour a day of training, for a duration of 12 weeks, Brainy Nation has found that people can improve a range of basic intellectual skills that underlie just about everything they do in school, work and in everyday life. Further, Brainy Nation’s program results show that clients get higher IQ levels after completing the program with an average percentile increase of 21% and average age-equivalent increase of 3 years. The theory behind training is that the brain is constantly changing. It reacts to and is shaped by the experiences it has. The more often you do new and challenging activities, the more your brain will be stimulated to grow, at any age. Their program allows the brain to create new connections, new networks to accommodate the information received. Shereen has found that her program creates confidence, which leads to children who would not have otherwise gone to college to pursue a higher education, which then empowers the community. Brainy Nation helps to empower teachers who have a passion to help their students have the tools to work with both struggling and gifted students. Their vision is to change the mindset of parents, teachers and students to help people see that even if they don’t fit within a standard you can still change your life. Shereen’s areas of expertise include business management. She also holds a BA in Political Science and Public Business Administration.
What Shereen hopes to gain from the VV GROW Fellowship: Shereen hopes to gain knowledge and skills in business planning, strategic planning in order to better run and grow her company. She also hopes to learn from the experiences of other business owners.
What Shereen can offer other fellows: Shereen can offer to share her experiences as a business owner with other fellows.
Connect with Shereen on Social Media:
Facebook Page: brainynationjordan
Shereen was selected as a 2018 VV GROW Fellow.