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Seli Afua Europa Agbenyega

2020 Fellow

CEO, École Internationale “La Gloire”

Seli Afua Europa Agbenyega
Lomé, Togo

About Seli

Seli Afua Europa is the CEO of the √âcole Internationale “La Gloire,” a nursery to grade 9 school that accepts students of all ages, genders, nationalities and abilities. She believes that education is a key component to leading a productive healthy life and has therefore dedicated her own life to improving the lives of the children in her community. Seli recognizes that her culture is dismissive of children that struggle with dyslexia, attention deficit disorders and even female students and works to negate the stigmas in her community. She offers scholarships to students whose parents have decided that their children’s education is not a priority or for those families that cannot afford to pay for their education. The foundation of her school, √âcole Internationale “La Gloire”, is built upon an emphasis on the individual. They teach their students self-dignity and self-confidence allowing them to blossom instead of judging their intelligence and the work they do using a grading system. Seli holds a Bachelor of Arts in French Studies from the University of Benin in Lomé, Togo and received her Teacher’s Certificate from Mount Mary Training College in Ghana.

What Seli hopes to gain from the VV GROW Fellowship:

Seli hopes to develop her business and leadership skills. She wants to improve her management skills and develop a strategy to thoughtfully expand. She is eager to use this opportunity to learn from others and share her experience.

What Seli can offer other fellows:

Seli can share her experience of how she began her journey with fellows; how she has been driven by her vision and passion through challenges and disappointments to where she is now.

Connect with Seli on Social Media:


Facebook Page (personal):

Instagram (business): @eilagloire

Instagram (personal): @agbenyegaaziadekey

LinkedIn (personal):

Twitter (business): @EcoleInternationallaGloire

Twitter (personal): @seli48