Roxy Ndebumadu
2023 Fellow
District 4 Coucilmember & Mayor Pro Tem, City of Bowie, Maryland
Roxy Ndebumadu is a founder, technology leader, and elected official currently serving as Mayor Pro Tem and District 4 Councilwoman for the City of Bowie, Maryland. Mayor Pro Tem Ndebumadu is known for being a game-changing, ethical AI, consumer trust, and creative branding enthusiast who is making waves and redefining what it means to be an innovative professional powerhouse in today’s quickly changing world. After accepting her passion for strategic advising, Roxy founded a company called auderesonder. auderesonder is a digital and innovation company that focuses on helping leaders and businesses harness societal movements in time to create strategic outcomes that lead to increased profitability and better experiences. In November 2019, Roxy made history by being the youngest woman elected to serve as Vice Mayor and Bowie City Councilwoman, including the first African American woman to represent District 4 within the State of Maryland. Roxy has spent most of her career working in cyber security, enterprise technology, consumer technology, and regulation across many different sectors. This Howard University graduate is a Rodel fellow in Public Leadership and serves on the Maryland State Board of Waterworks and Affordable Housing. In addition, you can catch her collecting vintage red wines on travel, mentoring young girls, or dancing at pilates.