Ro Amonet Soares Barbosa
2023 Fellow
CEO, Coaching Da Cor School

Rosangela Barbosa, professionally known as Ro Amonet is an entrepreneur, master coach, and Integrative Psychotherapist. Ro Amonet is the CEO of Coaching da Cor School, a company aimed at empowering the Black ethnic group, through cognitive reprogramming, and emotional unblocking caused by racial discrimination. The company promotes entrepreneurship as a way to pierce the bubble of structural racism and is closely aligned with SDG 4 – Quality Education, 8, Decent Employment and Economic Growth, and 10 by Reducing Inequalities. Ro Amonet is a former participant in the AWE – Academy of Women Entrepreneurs, a program financed by the US Embassy, and also of Future Female, a business digital marketing program, sponsored by the United Kingdom. As a Black woman, Ro Amonet believes her purpose is to empower her ethnicity, actively supporting the creation of a Black society that is aware of itself, and of its ancestry, and can circumvent and overcome the challenges created by structural racism. Ro Amonet holds a bachelor’s degree in Statistics, and an MBA in both Finance and Corporate Management, and People Management. Ro Amonet is currently pursuing an MBA in Developmental Neurosciences and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
What Ro Amonet can offer other fellows:
Ro Amonet can offer mindfulness and mental health best practices.
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Business YouTube:ÔAmonet