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Olufunto Boroffice

2021 Fellow

Founder & CEO, Chanja Datti Ltd


Olufunto Boroffice is the Founder/CEO of Chanja Datti, a waste collection and recycling social enterprise based in Northern Nigeria. The company addresses gender inequality unemployment by providing a platform that transforms waste into wealth while also empowering the unemployed women, at-risk youths, and waste pickers of the region. Chanja Datti is directly responsible for diverting over 4,500,000 kg of recyclable waste from landfills in the Abuja metropolis while creating 250 green jobs and additional sources of livelihood for 500+ women in 7 underserved communities in the Abuja metropolis.

Boroffice’s business supports the following SDGs:

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 11: Responsible Consumption and Production