Margaret Naggujja
2020 Fellow
Co-Founder & Executive Director, Musuku Motors & Properties LTD

About Margaret
Margaret is a Co-Founder and the Executive Director of Mukusu Motors, a company that offers automotive cars and agricultural machinery solutions through flexible financing options to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Uganda. These smallholder farmers constitute over 80 percent of Uganda’s population and depend directly on the agricultural sector for their livelihood. They work long hours due to the use of rudimentary tools, produce low volumes of food and hardly grow surpluses for their sales, and most times experience crop failure as a result of inadequate use of modern farming methods. Mukusu’s financing option enables smallholder farmers who cannot afford to buy their own equipment to access the needed machinery and labour saving technologies to mechanize their farm operations. Margaret also works to encourage more inclusion and get women behind the wheels of tractors and commercial vehicles in a male dominated transport and automobile industry in Uganda. Margaret is a Chartered Accountant with full membership to The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK and Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Uganda. She holds a Diploma in Business Studies from Makerere University Business School, and has also completed several Certificate programs in Trade, Food and Nutrition, Enterprise Sustainability, Developing Gender Sensitive Value Chains, and Agriculture in Trade Agreements. She is experienced in financial accounting, taxation management, and budgeting and treasury management.
What Margaret hopes to gain from the VV GROW Fellowship:
Margaret is looking forward to building her business management skills and accessing international networks. She wants to learn how to run her business more effectively, build strong business partnerships, increase service delivery using digital platforms and learn where to access long term finance for business growth. She also hopes to link up with fellows who can help her grow the business of mechanizing small holder agriculture in Uganda and connect with fellows who can contract smallholder farmer associations to grow and supply organic food crops to them.
What Margaret can offer other fellows:
Margaret has been both an employee and an entrepreneur and can share her financial expertise with others. She is a member of United Success Global, an international women’s business association, and has a network of people in business and the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry that she can share with other fellows.
Connect with Margaret on Social Media:
Facebook Page (business):
Facebook Page (personal):
LinkedIn (personal):
Twitter (personal): @margaret.nagujja