Mandukhai Nanzad
2024 Fellow
Board Member - Social Democratic Women

Mandukhai Nanzad is currently the managing Director at Excelsior Energy Mongolia and serves as the Board Member of the Social Democratic Women, Mongolian People’s Party. Her work experience spans the private sector, specializing in renewable energy through her business and has been actively engaged in multiple levels of Mongolia’s biggest political party. Her activities within the party have addressed and organized projects to advance welfare and living conditions of less reachable districts as well as women and girls in need of help in their daily livelihood, encompassing policies, projects adaptable for transitional economy, and bringing in renewable energy solutions to decrease carbon emission. Mandukhai strongly believes in the power of political participation, as it is a driving force for providing civic engagement to educate and inform women about their political rights, choices and activities of participation.
Mandukhai holds a BA Degree in Business Administration and has a diverse background of education from the UK, Switzerland and Mongolia.