Jessica Lorena Ospina Mosquera
2023 Fellow
Voices That Inspire

Jessica was born in Cartagena del Chairá, Caquetá, Colombia. She is currently pursuing a degree in Social Work at the Northern Catholic University Foundation in Colombia. Jessica is passionate about Social Work, creating her own happiness and learning.
Jessica’s social impact project, Juntos para Ayudar (Together to Help), was born out of her desire to help propel her community forward. Through the project, Jessica shares various communication pieces on social media networks to publicize and promote the consumption of local products, food safety and strengthen Cartagena del Chair’s own brand. Moreover, the project is addressing the following SDGs: two: Zero Hunger, eight: Promote Sustained, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economic Growth, Full and Productive Employment, and Decent Work for All, twelve: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, and seventeen: Partnerships to achieve the goals.