Hifza Afaq
2024 Fellow
Co-Founder of Kaarigar Mandi

Hifza Afaq is the Co-Founder of Kaarigar Mandi, connecting small-scale footwear manufacturers and artisans with organised buyers, focusing on creating sustainable job opportunities for marginalized artisans. Through Kaarigar Mandi, Hifza Afaq is advancing UN Sustainable Development 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goals 5 (Gender Equality). Her business has created over 800 jobs for footwear artisans, with a goal to increase participation of women in the workforce to 50% by 2028. A passionate advocate for women’s economic empowerment, Hifza Afaq is dedicated to providing artisans with access to global markets, standardizing manufacturing practices, and facilitating access to credit. Her innovative footwear line, the Exclusive Camelids Edition, celebrates the United Nations International Year of Camelids and underscores her commitment to raising global awareness about indigenous communities’ cultural heritage. Growing up in Agra, India’s largest footwear hub, Hifza Afaq developed a strong connection to her community, leading her to pursue work that uplifts marginalized artisans. She holds a background in technology and social entrepreneurship, leveraging these skills to drive positive social impact. Guided by her mission to recreate entrepreneurship opportunities for jobless artisans, Hifza Afaq, remains committed to fostering sustainable growth and economic independence among underrepresented communities.