Haydee Maldonado
2020 Fellow
Director, Craftco
About Haydee
Haydee is the Director of Craftco, a unique business that promotes fun and creative activities for children. Craftco has a studio that provides arts and crafts classes and activities so that children can learn while having fun expressing themselves in creative ways. Beyond the studio walls, these activities are also offered at homes, schools and birthday celebrations. Craftco also designs interactive entertainment spaces for children in shopping malls that include temporary playgrounds, giant games, and art spaces. Their products are personalized and original, with upwards of 50 original designs produced per year. Haydee’s areas of expertise include marketing, creativity, design and developing projects. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Purdue University and she is a member of Women Entrepreneur UN.
What Haydee hopes to gain from the VV GROW Fellowship:
Haydee would like improve her skills in management and administration and learn more about new trends in running a business. She hopes to be inspired by other women and their projects, and gain ideas for incorporating greater social impact into her business operation to provide opportunities for women in her country and around the world.
What Haydee can offer other fellows:
Haydee can share her experience navigating a challenging environment for women business owners in Guatemala.
Connect with Haydee on Social Media:
Website: www.craftcogt.com
Facebook (business): https://www.facebook.com/craftcogt/?ref=br_rs
Facebook Page (personal): https://www.facebook.com/haydee.maldonado.752/about?lst=100004328191891%3A100010575944017%3A1579021753
Instagram (business): @Craftcogt
Instagram (personal): @Haydeema
LinkedIn (personal): https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydee-maldonado-874765150/