Génesis Alonzo
2021 Fellow

Génesis Alonzo Demera from Costa Rica is a first-year student in Public Administration at the University of Costa Rica (UCR). Génesis is passionate about reading and animals, and she has always shown interest in the welfare of others. This is why she is currently part of the social project on financial education, EDUFI, which seeks to encourage people to lead a lifestyle healthy with their finances, teaching them how to create budgets, encouraging entrepreneurship, and even teaching how to use the excel tool to keep track of finances, covering populations from children to young adults. / In the year 2020, despite the complications that the pandemic brought to the lives of many, this project continued working on behalf of its community, managed to be the outstanding project of the year and obtained first place in an internal CoopeANDE contest.
Génesis was selected as a participant in the 2021 Voces Que Inspiran.