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Blanca Gonzalez

2020 Fellow

Owner/Founder, Curvas Plus Size Nicaragua

Blanca Gonzalez
Managua, Nicaragua

About Blanca:

Blanca is the founder of Curvas Plus Size Boutique, the first plus size retail chain in Central America. Beyond offering clothing, Curvas seeks to fill the spiritual and human needs of its customers by providing them individualized attention and respect, taking into account their expectations, needs, tastes and preferences. Curvas is an inclusive store that creates fashion and contributes to improving the self-esteem of their clients. Curvas hosts empowerment talks and has a self-improvement blog. Curvas’ work has transformed plus size fashion, taking it from the ugly duckling of fashion to a swan full of surprises. Curvas has expanded and recently opened its first store in El Salvador. Blanca holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Universidad Americana and is the Vice President of Women’s Business Network of Nicaragua. She hopes to expand her company to other countries in Central and Latin America.

What Blanca hopes to gain from the VV GROW Fellowship:

Blanca is eager to be connected to the Vital Voices network and use it to expand Curvas’ visibility. She is also excited to further develop her leadership skills.

What Blanca can offer other fellows:

Blanca is passionate about women’s empowerment and creating opportunities for women in her community. She has expertise in strategic planning, negotiations and business strategy that would be beneficial to other fellows.

Connect with Blanca on Social Media:


Facebook Page (business):

Facebook Page (personal):

Instagram (business): @curvasplussize

Instagram (personal): @blancagonzalezbenavides

LinkedIn (business):

LinkedIn (personal):

Twitter (business): @Curvas_PlusSize

Twitter (personal): @blancagb12