Anu Bhardwaj
2024 Fellow

Ms. Anu Bhardwaj is the Founder & CEO of SHEQONOMI which is the world’s first and only multi-platform, multi-device podcast listening app built by women for women on Android, iOS, KaiOS, and JiOS. If you have a podcast, enjoy listening to podcasts, or are interested in making your own podcast while empowering women and girls to use their voices and skills, we are here to help. SHEQONOMI is now listed on the APP Store on Apple Phones, Google Play Store, KaiStore, and on the JioStore with over 5,000 women led podcasts, in 50 languages, across 175 countries. The app features content on women’s health, women’s entrepreneurship, investing, leadership, sports, balance and content addressing all 17 UN SDG goals. We have been laser focused on creating affordable and accessible deep tech that can reach the bottom billion who are currently living on less than $5 US/day. Our podcast listening apps were built with almost $1M US in non-dilutive capital with grants from the Islamic Development Bank COVID Innovation Competition, the Algorand Foundation, and SDG Impact Accelerator to name a few who are equally passionate about giving women and girls access to transformational digital technology.
Ms. Bhardwaj is a Fulbright Scholar from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai and a graduate of Georgetown University (BA/MA). She completed her MBA at the Stockholm School of Economics and has spent the past 25 years focusing on global women’s issues focusing on bridging the digital divide.